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Owslebury Primary School home page

Owslebury Primary School

The small Winchester Primary School making a BIG impact!

School Meals

  From April 2024 HC3S will be known as Education Catering. Logo's and information will change over a period of time.


   The cost of a school meal for Key stage 2 is £3.00 per day (rising to £3.20 from September 2024). Payment can be made via SCOPAY.


   All children in Key stage 1 currently receive a free daily meal.


   If you are on a low income your child may also qualify for Free School meals and this will also enable the school to receive extra funding to assist learning.

Please visit


Special diets

Medical special diets are prepared for children at HC3S schools who have been advised to avoid a certain food by a medical professional.

Special diets are managed through our dedicated special diet portal.


Please follow the link below to start the application process. This may take up to 10 days to be arranged.