Summer 1 In The Summertime
Have a look what we have
been learning about at Owslebury!

Week 6
This week we have been doing all things mini beast!
We shared the non fiction text My First Book of Garden Bugs.
We spoke about what non fiction means and other books we might have shared that were non fiction.
Our activities have involved, counting and adding mini beasts, colouring by number and searching for mini beasts outside.
In maths sessions we have been comparing and naming 3D shapes as well as forming pictures using them. We played a game where we described shapes and another child had to guess what it was. We have also explored the concept of sharing into groups- we loved sharing out the items for a tea party between Woofy and Angel.
In the art area we made symmetrical butterflies using printing and paint exploring colour mixing at the same time.
Later in the week we have enjoyed sharing the story 'The Hungry Caterpillar'. We enjoyed joining in with the reading and using the puppets to retell the story.
In science, we revisited learning about life cycles but this time for a butterfly. We learned lots of new scientific vocabulary.
Some of us wrote out the story and some of us wrote about our favourite foods. We have completed patterns and enjoyed some sensory play with the small world bugs.

Week 5
This week we have been busy doing all things around the story What the Ladybird Heard by Julia Donaldson.
In the maths area we have been matching ladybird spots to make number bonds to 10, we have been making maps of the farm in the story and talking about features you might find on a map.
The outside area has had a tidy up and we have been chatting as a class about what we might like to change to improve it.
In our maths sessions we have been looking at adding on from a number as well as composing shapes using smaller shapes and then decomposing shapes. We have also been making 2D shape pictures using them .
In music this week we explored the glockenspiels after talking about music we enjoyed and pitch. We also talked about the genre 'funk music' and how sometimes it makes us want to dance. We played a game where one child played a note and we had to find it on our glockenspiels.
In Drawing Club in Marwell this week we watched 'Mr Benn the Zookeeper' and then drew his character and the setting. We have been very impressed with some of the creativity shown during these sessions and children's enjoyment of exploring ideas through drawing. We have also noticed some of the children's pencil grip developing.
The children have been fascinated by the wildflowers growing in our school grounds so we decided to pick a few to create some magic potions- some made us fly, some made us super fast and some made us zoom to the moon!
Week 4
A Squash and a Squeeze
After sharing the story we wrote letters to the lady from the animals saying sorry for the mess.
We have been comparing and matching 2D shapes as well as counting on from a number.
In art, we have tried to use our observation skills to continue animal patterns.
Last week, when we discovered a frog in the mud kitchen, we were excited to find out more. This week, we have learned more about a frog's life cycle, explored 'frog spawn' (really water beads) in the water tray and leap frog jumping around.
We have been making the most of the lovely weather outside and enjoying the lovely school grounds. The hot weather has meant plenty of water play- squirting letters from the wall, fine motor challenges in the water tray and mixing in the mud kitchen.
On Thursday, Mrs Chaplen took us to the school pond. We enjoyed using the nets and taking a closer look at the real life tadpoles who were beginning to turn into froglets. We loved sharing what we found and demonstrated excellent listening and turn taking skills.
Week 3
After sharing the story "Sharing a Shell" we spoke about acts of kindness and how we can help others.
We then took part in various activities shell related including, counting with shells, making shell patterns and writing a diary about a day at the beach. We then made this into a class book which we will keep in the book corner.
In maths we have been recognising amounts in different forms such as tens frames, fingers and Numicon. We have been playing spot the missing number from a sequence of numbers and then looking at taking away a number from an amount.
We started a session called 'Drawing Club' this week where the children listen to a story and have a go at drawing their versions of the characters and setting. This week the children drew about the story Alien's Love Underpants and we were really impressed with their imaginations.
Outside in our mud kitchen we were visited by two frogs and a mouse on Monday. We made a few trips to the pond to returned the frogs and then found some tadpoles so spoke about their life cycle.
We have also been busy outside using our balance bikes. This week we maneuvered in and out of cones.

Week 2
This week we shared the story The Lion Inside by Rachel Bright and Jim Field. We spoke about how we all have different feelings at different times and how we can be kind to others if they may be feeling small.
We created our own split pins lions, cut up spaghetti in the funky finger area from the lion's mane and learned about lions in the wild and their habitats.

In The Summertime
We started our topic with a safari themed hook afternoon. The children made their own binoculars, tasted fruits that grow in Africa and shared the story Handa's Surprise.
We then went on our own safari trip outside searching for animals with our binoculars.