Spring 1
Week 6
This week we have been taking part in Children's Mental Health week. We have shared people who are special to us during circle time chats as well as making our own paper chain people.
We also shared the story 'The Invisible String' and chatted about how we are connected to the ones we love.
Some of the children have continued the theme of dragons by using their creative ideas to make their own dragons using junk modelling.
Week 5
This we we have continued following the children's interests of Dragons by sharing the book 'Dragon Post'.
The children were sent a special box on Tuesday with a small dragon inside. We were asked if we could look after the dragon so the children have been writing about how to look after it.
In maths we have been looking at 2D shapes and using these to create castles and pictures as well as discussing their number of sides and other properties.
In the snug we have started a display with 'Work of the Week' as well as a helper of the week.
Week 4
This week we have been learning about dragons, princesses and everything fairytale!
The children have been writing about dragons, dressing up as characters and taking part in brilliant role play as well as writing their own stories and using the puppet show.
They really enjoyed printing and collaging the dragons.
We are both so proud of the children’s writing at the moment. All of the children have been writing lists and castle descriptions. They were very enthusiastic to use the board pens and write descriptions of dragons.
Week 3
This week started off with a visit from Firefighter Jo. We learnt about their uniform and how they rescue animals as well as fight fires. We also learnt the names of the uniform (tunic and leggings).
The children chose to put on a show for us about a princess and a prince in Discovery time. We loved watching it!
In maths we have been exploring ways to make 5 using the different resources.
With the cold weather some of the children wanted to see what would happen to the water if we put it in ice cube trays and left it outside so we did a little experiment.
Week 2
Week 2
This week the children have taken part in small world play using coloured rice, used play dough in the role play area to create food and used their imaginations to make different models using construction.
Some of the children have also chosen to take their phonics learning into Discovery Time where they took part in mark making and writing.
Spring 1 Week 1
What a great first week back!
After settling back into school and getting to know our lovely new Early Years Assistant, Miss Weston we introduced our new topic with an exciting day on Thursday where we were visited by lots of toys that had appeared from the children's homes in a big box!
The children had a lovely day with their toys and they were so excited to see them. After reading the story Kipper’s Toy Box they were keen to explore the classroom with their toys. We have been really impressed with their enthusiasm for writing and how they are becoming confident in applying their sounds. The toys were all fed well as they enjoyed the food by their owners in the kitchen!
Our children in Year 1 have been working really hard on counting in 2s in maths and using capital letters and their sound mats to support them in writing.
Next week we will be starting phase 3 phonics with the Reception children and we will all continue with our topic Toys.