Summer 2 Our Wonderful World
Have a look what we have
been learning about at Owslebury!
Our Park Trip
As part of our maths topic we have been looking at maps. This week we walked to our local park in Owslebury to map a map of the area (and have a play!)
We were very impressed with the children resilience when finding some of the apparatus challenging.
Under the Sea
This week was our transition week at Owslebury. We spent Monday Tuesday and Wednesday morning in Morestead Class with Mrs Phillips and Mrs Crew. We completed sheets about about our us and spent time getting to know our teachers and other classmates.
This week in Marwell class, we have been learning about above and below the sea. We have created our own aquariums showing off our cutting and painting skills. The children enjoyed discussing which sea creatures they would add to their aquariums and demonstrated great resilience when cutting, gluing and decorating their creations.
In maths, we delayed our walk to the park which we hope to do next week but we used Google maps to see the route and made our own maps in preparation discussing the sights on the route. We've also used lots of exciting vocabulary to describe the position of different sites on the map such as above, below, next to, in front of. We also have a new favourite game which is great for number formation and recognition as well as practising our basic number facts- BINGO! We choose 3 numbers between 0 and 20, then use a random number spinner to select which ones. You need them all to shout BINGO! Feel free to try it at home.
We imagined we were in a submarine and enjoyed a virtual tour together to see the features. This inspired us to build our own submarines outside with the big blocks and record our own submarine diaries. From our story book, we enjoyed acting out scenes in the small world area with some of the creatures. Our water tray was great for exploring the animals that live below the sea. We also enjoyed being creative, painting under the sea on the clingfilm. As with real underwater life, we pretended to be creatures amongst the bubbles.
We have been learning the months of the year song, discussing which months our birthdays fall in and the seasons.
Down on the Farm
Our week started off with a very exciting trip to Longdown Activity Farm!
The children fed goats, kids and calves as well as collecting eggs from the hens.
We learnt all about the names of baby farm animals and how to look after them.
In school we have been busy practicing our balance and mobility on the balance bikes. We have also been printing sheep pictures in the craft area with wool and paint as well as turtle collages.
Our drawing club story was Jack and the Beanstalk. We have really enjoyed seeing the detail the children have started to add to their drawings as they grow in confidence.
On the writing table we wrote about our favourite part of the farm trip. We focused on sounding out and writing a sentence independently with finger spaces.
In maths we have been exploring map making and describing the positions of landmarks on a map. We looked at maps of the world, the UK and Winchester and surrounding areas. We have also been developing our simple addition skills and beginning to record these in a number sentence.
In the playdough area we have used pinching and shaping skills to create fish before decorating them with beads and gems.
Creative Arts Week
Lighthouses and Creative Arts week
What a fun week we have had!
We started off by sharing the story "A Lighthouse Story" by Holly James and Laura Chamberlin then discussed what it would be like living in a lighthouse. We spoke about what lighthouses are used for and how important their job is.
We made our own lighthouses, wrote about life inside a lighthouse and then made our own weather presenter stage after talking about how weather affects the role of a lighthouse. The children loved presenting the weather forecast!
In addition to this we have been getting fully involved in all things creative.
We have had drama workshops, samba drumming sessions, body percussion and street dance workshops. We have all thoroughly enjoyed getting creative!
Week 2
After sharing the non fiction text 'What a Waste' by Jess French we spoke about what we can do to help reduce our waste and where our waste goes.
We made anti littering posters in the creative area, started collecting bits for our bug hotel outside and helped put together some new furniture for our outdoor area. The children loved using screw drivers to support us with this! Some of us also used litter pickers in our outdoor area to tidy up our grounds.
Later in the week, we turned into recycling warriors. We built our own recycling truck, created recycling posters and talked about different materials in science to help us decide what to tidy. We have enjoyed some sorting activities and organising different materials into their categories.
This week was the start of our Secret Storyteller sessions and we were excited to have two visitors come and read to us!
This week we introduced our new topic Our Wonderful World with a focus of recycling.
The children collected up some recycling that Mrs Aylward had saved and pretended to litter pick around the school grounds.
We spoke about the importance of washing our hands and if we were doing it with actual rubbish we would use litter pickers and gloves.
We then sorted the recycling into different piles, glass, plastic, cardboard and tin cans/ foil.
We spoke about the importance of recycling and what we can do to help recycle at home and school.
In maths we have been looking at scoring. We used tally charts to record our scores throwing bean bags and quoits outside.
In our outdoor writing area we have been making posters for sports day. We also practiced our races and spoke about the importance of taking part and doing our best.