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Owslebury Primary School

The small Winchester Primary School making a BIG impact!

Spring 1 Frozen Lands

Thursday 4th January - Hook Day 

Today we started our topic with some Arctic adventures. We began the day with hot chocolate in our sleeping bags. We watched David Attenborough’s Frozen Planet in the hall, which was a similar temperature to the Arctic 🥶 Then we started to make our own paper mache globe while talking about the Arctic, Antarctica and the equator. After lunch we drew a narwhal with Rob. To finish the day we enjoyed some topic books from the library.

We have talked about our work this half term ready for our celebration…watch this space! 🐻‍❄️ 


This half term the children have been learning about remembering. Part of this is learning about Shabbat. A weekly celebration for Jewish people that starts on a Friday at dusk and closes at sunset each Saturday. It is a day of rest when no work is done. This allows Jewish people to remember God as the creator of the universe and also God's commandment to keep the seventh day of the week holy. Shabbat is a special time when families get together. The children wanted to taste the Challah bread and grape juice that Jewish children traditionally eat and drink during Shabbat. 

Photos to follow...