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Owslebury Primary School

The small Winchester Primary School making a BIG impact!

Summer 1 Africa

We have had a wonderful start to our Summer term in Morestead class. 


Hook morning

We began by having a hook morning for our new topic, Africa. The first thing we noticed when we arrived at school after the Easter break, was that something had been in our classroom! We found lots of different footprints and animal prints hidden around the room and we worked together to try and identify which animals they belonged to. They were all animals we might see on an African safari! We then heard lots of clues about different animals and went on a scavenger hunt to find the picture to match the clue. Can you guess which animal this was?

'I am fierce with a mighty roar
But when I'm asleep, I purr not snore

With a golden mane, I stand tall

In the wild, I am king over all!'


Trip to Porchester Castle

We began our visit with a workshop led by the staff at Porchester Castle. They took us around the castle grounds and told us all about what life was like when the Kings and Queens lived there. Some of us were even able to dress up as royalty or guards...and the rest had to be their servants! Cameron was  in charge of defending the castle, acting as the archer. He had the difficult job of pulling back the string on the long bow, which was pretty tricky. Did you know that boys used to start learning to use the long bow when they were only 8? 


During the afternoon, Mrs Chaplen led us on a tour of the castle where we were able to walk all the way up to the top of the keep. The stairs were very steep and Elsie counted there were 130 steps to reach the top! 


We had such an amazing day, learning even more about castles and Mrs Phillips was very impressed with our learning and behaviour throughout the day.


We have had a great time in our Science lessons this half term. We have been learning how to ‘think like Scientists’ by asking lots of questions about things we would like to find answers to. We completed an enquiry to discover the best microhabitat for daisies to grow and then went pond dipping in our school pond.