Autumn 2 London
As part of our London topic we made our own posters at home and shared these with the class talking about our real life experiences. The children loves asking each other questions developing their understanding of using question words.
We have been looking at where London is on a map, writing postcards and dressing up as Kings Guards.
This week we explored the role of a firefighter and how to stay safe around fire. We took on the role of a firefighter outside and put out our own fires using water squirters.
Autumn 2
We started off our term with a focus on Fireworks and Fire and shared experiences of when we had visited firework shows.
We held our own sparklers and spoke about being safe around fireworks.
During our PSHE sessions we spoke about being safe with what we put on and in our bodies.
We have been working on our scissor skills and taken part in a range of craft activities to develop them and build the strength in our fingers.