Autumn 2
Children have come back after the half term break full of energy and ready to learn! So far we have been enjoying Phonics and Number work as well as our different activities in Discovery Time. Last week we were making lots of spooky potions as well our spooky maths. This week our focus has been on light and dark as we have looked at fireworks and bonfire night. Children have enjoyed making music and dances to the sound of fireworks as well as creating bright artwork.
Over the last couple of weeks the children have enjoyed our themes around the Gingerbread Man and Owl Babies. Children have had fun making Gingerbread, retelling the stories with puppets and music and also acting out the stories outside. Children continue to enjoy mark-making and are having lots of fun with the chalks and as well as small whiteboards. Children have experimented with colour-mixing in the art area and have had lots of fun using their imaginations building and making. Well done Marwell Class!