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Owslebury Primary School home page

Owslebury Primary School

The small Winchester Primary School making a BIG impact!

School Organisation

The number of children on roll is usually around 85 and the school is organised into 4 mixed- ability classes.


  • a reception and year one class of children 4 years to 5 years
  • an infant class of children 5 years to 7 years
  • a junior class of children 7 years to 9 years
  • a junior class of children 9 years to 11 years


Within each class the teacher is responsible for the whole curriculum.  In all classes there is variety of group and individual teaching methods.   Learning Support Assistants help within each class and provide support and extension for children throughout the school, using a range of intervention programmes.


The school  is part of the Westgate Pyramid of schools.


The designated secondary school is The Westgate School with whom we have close liaison.  Many children attend Owslebury School from outside the catchment area and choose different schools for their secondary education.  We work very closely with each of these to ensure a smooth transfer.

The morning routine

The school day begins at 8.55 am and your child should be on site by this time. The school gates are open from 8.45 am and children may enter the school buildings from this time.