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Owslebury Primary School

The small Winchester Primary School making a BIG impact!


Why is Regular School Attendance so Important?


Owslebury Primary School works closely with children and parents in connection with attendance so that each child can achieve their full potential. By law, all children of compulsory school age must receive a suitable full-time education.

Once your child is registered at school, you are legally responsible for making sure that they attend regularly. If your child fails to do so, you risk getting a penalty notice or being prosecuted. You also need to think about the negative impact upon the following: their learning their friendships their self-esteem and confidence.


Owslebury Primary monitors the attendance of every child in the school and in partnership with the Locality Team, we will work and support those children and their families who are not attending school without sufficient reason. 90 Percent attendance sounds good, but means that your child misses:


  • one half day each week
  • nearly four weeks every school year
  • over one school year in a school career






Timekeeping is also important in the education of your child. If your child is persistently late then they are missing out on the start of the lesson. Can we also remind parents and carers that the school gates are open from 8:45am. The school day starts at 8.55 a.m. and  finishes at 3:20pm.


Please note we will not authorise absence from school unless there are exceptional circumstances. Applications will be considered on an individual basis by the Head teacher. Forms are available from the office.


Penalty Notice Warning in accordance with Hampshire County Council’s code of conduct: If a child has any unauthorised absence during formal examinations, testing or assessment as publicised via our school website  or parent/carer newsletters this will result in the issuing of a Penalty notice for non-attendance.


NO exceptional circumstance absences will be authorised during the KS2 Statutory testing period week commencing 9th May 2023, the KS1 Statutory testing month in May 2023, and Year 1 Phonics Screening week commencing in June 2023  





To encourage regular attendance we recommend that non emergency dental, doctors and optician appointments are taken outside of the school day.


Further Reading