Autumn 1 - Heavenly Hampshire
Heavenly Hampshire
As mentioned in the learning forecast, the children are investigating healthy eating in DT this half term. We have looked at the balanced diet and what each compounded does as well as the dangers of cross contamination. During our hygiene lesson of cross contamination we also looked at what could occur if we weren't safe with our food - this included specific illness such as food poisoning and salmonella. We have now started to experiment with food looking at different skills including: knife skills, hot food elements, reading instructions, measuring ingredients and completing a full dinner element. The children had a lot of fun developing their cutting skills when creating fruit kababs.
Hensting Music - Hampshire Music Service 'Beyond the Beat'
The children have shown some brilliant writing so far this half term. At the beginning of the year, they completed a formal letter to me explaining what they did in their summer holidays. Then we look at non-chronological reports. The children had to complete their own research about national parks before writing their informative reports. They have also completed a formal letter of persuasion to the Mayor of Winchester encouraging them to act against the different pollutions. Finally, the children have just completed an entertaining diary entry (about getting lost in the countryside) where they were able to show informality in the form of contractions and time passing with fronted adverbials. Well done Hensting class, I can’t wait to see what they do next.