Spring 1
This term we are learning all about toys.

Week 5
This week we have been enjoying learning outdoors even though it has been very grey!
We shared the story Stanley's Stick and then went on a hunt to find our own sticks. We have been measuring and comparing them, drawing with sticks in the mud and making up stories about our sticks. We talked about all the ways we could play with sticks and the children enjoyed making a pretend campfire.
In our phonics sessions we have learnt the digraphs 'ai' 'ee' and 'oa' 'oo' along with the trigraph 'igh' and have been writing these in words.
In maths we have explored the number 8 finding ways to make it using other numbers and ways to represent it.
As part of our bikeability sessions we developed our skills of maneuvering around cones and free wheeling from one place to the other. We also spoke about safely moving bikes around.

Week 3
After sharing the story The Paper Dolls we discussed different dolls and how they have changed over the years. We spoke about the different toys that were mentioned in the story and which we enjoy playing with.
In English, we were so inspired by the story we wrote our own adventures for the dolls. Some of us also wrote about other toys and their appearance. Our handwriting is really improving- great effort from everyone.
Some of the activities the children took part in during Discovery included skittles, dinosaur small world and puzzles, a dolls hair dressers, car ramps with guttering and team building a giant boat with beds for sleeping using wooden blocks.
Our maths problem of the week was 'Does the tallest tower always have the most blocks' and we have been exploring this as part of our lessons. We have also learned to use the phrases "more than" and "fewer than" when comparing two groups of objects- no matter what shape and size they are.
In phonics we learnt the tricky words 'me' 'be' 'he' 'my' 'by' and 'she' as well as the graphemes 'y' 'z' and 'qu' so we have been very busy! We have noticed the children are getting more confident this term with attempting a sentence with less support and are starting to look more at use of finger spaces between words so their writing can be more easily read.
In our balance bike session we looked at acceleration, free wheeling and stopping.
We talked about the word 'history' and what this meant. Then looked at toys through time and how they had changed. The children made some excellent observations and even applied their science learning from last week about what toys were made from.

Week 2
After sharing the story 'The Paper Dolls' by Julia Donaldson we discussed different dolls and how they have changed over the years. Skye brought in a doll from the 1930's so we could compare it to Mrs Aylward's Victorian doll and those we play with today.
Our maths problem of the week was 'Does the tallest tower always have the most blocks' and we have been exploring this as part of our lessons looking at size and positioning of blocks.
In phonics we have looked at the tricky words 'me' 'be' 'he' 'my' 'by' and 'she' as well as the graphemes 'y' 'z' and 'qu' so we have been very busy!
We have noticed the children are getting more confident this term with attempting a sentence with less support and are starting to look more at use of finger spaces between words so their writing can be more easily read.
In our balance bike session we looked at acceleration, free wheeling and stopping. Some of the children found free wheeling the most tricky so we will visit this again next week.

Week 1
What a great first week back we have had in Marwell Class.
We started the week sharing our special toys.
As part of our Balanceability session this week we practiced weaving in and out of the cones. The children's listening this week was fantastic as well as their brilliant mobility skills which was topped off with some excellent examples of kindness of our school value of nurture as they helped each other take off their helmets.
In Discovery Time we have been making 'sock things' after sharing the story 'Kipper's Toybox' as well as measuring toys, writing toy stories and making clay spinning tops.
In phonics we started the phase 3 sounds 'j' 'v' 'w' and 'x'.
Our Maths sessions looked at die frames and the patterns of spots of dice. We have introduced looking deeply at numbers 6 and 7 and the way they can be made. The children are able to say two numbers that make up 6 or 7 and even give an alternative ways to make the numbers.
In English, we have developed our understanding of how stories work- that they have a beginning, middle and end. We started by ordering 'Kipper's Toy Box' and then started to plan and write our own stories about toys. The children's imaginations have been flowing!
During our science lesson, we explored what materials toys can be made from and described their properties. We definitely have some budding scientists in the class- they were superb at sorting!